Sunday, February 18, 2007

Manu quotes ... (3)

The searchable online edition is available here.

1. Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

2. Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.

3. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals.

4. Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect--simply a confession of failure.

5. When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others.

6. Women defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders.

7. Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.

8. When poverty creeps in at the door, love flies in through the window.

9. Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

10. The real drawback to marriage is that it makes one unselfish.

Previous Manu quotes

1. Manu quotes … (1)

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