Thursday, June 14, 2007

Research? Beware!!!!

From Satish K. Sharma's article in The Times of India:
In 1999, after a research finding suggested that listening to Mozart improved the intelligence level of children, parents in the US made a beeline for CDs of the maestro's music. Nursery schools began playing his symphonies and some states distributed free copies of the CDs to families with newborns. Soon enough another finding debunked the so-called Mozart effect. Sceptics warned that exposing children to classical music early might harm them by over-stimulating their brains. So many questions were being raised about research findings that in 2006, the US National Institutes of Health funded a research project to foster research integrity. The lesson is obvious. No point in rushing to changing one's views, thoughts or lifestyle just because a new finding questions these. Rather, one should question the finding itself and look for the hidden side. That alone will help in gleaning the truth.

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