Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lessons All Over

Jim Fedako, an anti-positivist, spots economics lessons during his travel:
1. Man does not need government in order to satisfy desired ends, even in a world of scarcity.
2. It's the arbitrary application of the whims of officials that gets you every time.
3. Government destroys character of the population. A proud population of fishermen is reduced to simple tax consumers.
4. What is sold as a benefit to the community is actually theft from one group of residents in order to benefit the group of residents who grasp the elbows of those in power.
5. Regardless of the obstacles, entrepreneurs will adjust their lives to satisfy consumer wants.
6. Private ownership provides a much better environment.
7. The state steals the wealth of future generations — the children — in order to provide social security for the current generation — the parents.
8. Either we learn our lessons from the Romans or we will be the archeological site of a subsequent generation.
Read more here.
Positivism from Marxists site
A General view of Positivism from Marxists site
Wikipedia on positivism though the quality of that page is disputed.

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