Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Is it the same story again?

After the assassination and [his] arrest, judgement was pronounced swiftly; [he] was the assassin...
Every piece of evidence which tended to incriminate [him] was announced to the press [by the authorities]. In such a way millions of people were prejudiced against [him] before there was any opportunity for him to be brought to trial...
How is it millions of people have been misled by complete forgeries in the press?
Blatant fabrications have received very widespread coverage by the mass media, but denials of these same lies have gone unpublished.
Excuse me, I am not talking about Indian media and the Kanchi issue! It's about American press.
That was written by Bertrand Russell (words within braces are mine) in his essay "Sixteen questions on the assassination" in which he argued that some of the most important aspects of the case against Lee Harvey Oswald have been completely blacked out and the official version of the assassination of President Kennedy was full of contradictions that it had been rewritten no less than three times.
(You can read the above essay in the book The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, The Final Years:1944-1969)


Sreedevi aka Sree said...

what a great visionary Russel his. He could foresee Jaya's and the TN police's designs as early as that.....

Shencottah said...

Good that Russell is not Nostradamus. Otherwise, one would have felt very comfortable in the thought that atleast Russell knew what's going on!!