Sunday, January 30, 2005

We fight. We, the humans, then die.

Thailand said,"We want the centre to be near Thailand."
India and Indonesia opposed.
India suggested,"We want to coordinate the system."
Indonesia and Thailand did not agree.
Indonesia,"We want it."
India and Thailand shook heads vigorously.
There has been a clash among nations over Tsunami warning system. Read about it here.
Why don't they consider what is best for all in the region? In case, if it turns out that the exact location of the co-ordination centre does not affect the performance of the warning system as a whole, why do they fight then?
Collective death seems to be an easier option than a united effort. Fear, of death - of getting wiped off in seconds, is not sunk deep inside. It is still overcome by other national considerations. By the way, what is the nationality of Death?

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